The Animal Fairies and animals of the Rosette Mesa Clan live in a forested mesa. There is a heart-shaped lake, with a river going through it. The river comes out of the mountains to the north, and goes to the south and over a great waterfall to the south. There is also a big grassy meadow, several small streams, some ponds, several caves and hot springs.
The Great Mountain Range to the North
The mountain range is vast, and mountains climb higher and higher the farther North you travel. There are several high altitude passes that cross the mountain range, and Animal Fairies and Animals who plan to undertake such a trip must plan carefully, and be prepared to deal with huge glaciers, ice flows, and blinding snowstorms. The river that flows from the mountains has pure and fresh water from the melting snow.
There is a Dinosaur Fairy which lives high in the mountains. When the Dinosaurs became extinct, their companions, the Dinosaur Fairies, disappeared as well. However one Dinosaur Fairy continues to live, and is known to have great wisdom (as well as fierce fighting skills). On occasion, Animal Fairies will make the dangerous journey to visit her, seeking her advice.
Clan Members
Nikki the Chipmunk Fairy and Marley the Chipmunk
Nikki and Marley are the youngsters in the clan, around 5 years old. While cute and innocent, sometimes they get into trouble.
They like to sing, dance, play and go exploring. They are known for making really good Acorn Soup.
Fola the Fox Fairy and Paolo the Fox
Fola and Paulo are kids, around 12 years old. They are playful, but also hard working when it comes to gathering berries and sticks.
They have already started their own business trading their berries and sticks at the market.
Andra the Cardinal Fairy and Rusti the Baby Cardinal
Andra is around 16 years old, and Rusti is a just a baby. Andra adopted Rusti, and as a mom, has learned about being responsible.
Hollie the Blue Jay Fairy, and Dante and Azura the Blue Jays
Dante and Azura are adult birds, and Hollie is around 16. Dante and Azura adopted Hollie when she was very young, and have been raising her as their own.
Like most birds, Hollie likes to sing, dance and tell stories. and is constantly traveling around, visiting the other families in the clan.